Newborn Schedule Week 3

Newborn Schedule Week 3

Newborn Schedule Week 3

As a new mother, adjusting to a newborn’s schedule can be a daunting task. In the first two weeks, your baby’s schedule may have been unpredictable and inconsistent. However, by week 3, you may start to see some patterns emerging. In this article, we will discuss what to expect during your baby’s third week and provide a schedule guide to help you navigate through this time.

Personal Experience

During my baby’s third week, I noticed that he started to have longer periods of wakefulness during the day. He also seemed to be more alert and interested in his surroundings. However, he still needed to sleep frequently and would often wake up for feedings during the night. It was a challenging time, but having a schedule helped me feel more in control.

List of Events

  • Increased periods of wakefulness during the day
  • More alert and interested in surroundings
  • Frequent feedings during the night
  • Continued need for frequent naps and sleep

Schedule Guide

Here is a suggested schedule for your newborn’s third week:

Time Activity
6:00am Wake up and feeding
7:00am Tummy time or playtime
8:00am Nap
10:00am Feeding
11:00am Tummy time or playtime
12:00pm Nap
2:00pm Feeding
3:00pm Tummy time or playtime
4:00pm Nap
6:00pm Feeding
7:00pm Bath time
8:00pm Bedtime
11:00pm Night feeding
2:00am Night feeding
5:00am Night feeding

Question and Answer

Q: How often should I feed my baby during week 3?

A: Your baby will still need to eat frequently, so aim for 8-12 feedings per day. This may mean feeding every 2-3 hours during the day and night.

Q: How much sleep should my baby be getting during week 3?

A: Your baby will still need a lot of sleep, so aim for 14-17 hours of sleep per day. This may mean taking several naps throughout the day and night.


Q: Is it normal for my baby to be awake for longer periods during week 3?

A: Yes, it is normal for babies to have longer periods of wakefulness as they become more alert and interested in their surroundings.

Q: Should I wake my baby up to feed during the night?

A: It is generally recommended to let your baby wake up on their own for feedings during the night. However, if your baby is not waking up on their own and it has been several hours since their last feeding, you may need to wake them up to ensure they are getting enough nutrients.

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